48b Copper Cove Dr. Copperopolis, CA 95228

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

News story 6-22-2010 from thepinetree

Local VFW Post soon to become a reality for Copperopolis
After working for over a year coordinating with the VFW headquarters in Kansas City and working with Sacramento the very first meeting for the formation of a VFW Post in Copperopolis was held on June 13, 2010 at Micki & Larry’s Sports Pub. This date holds special meaning to me, for it was my son’s 22 birthday, which he was celebrating in Afghanistan with the rest of 3/7 India Company of the United States Marine Corps.
I would like to give you a little background on why I personally felt a VFW post was necessary. 
We have so many young men coming home from the Middle East with visions in their heads that can never be erased. How, as a mother, am I to understand his pain? The atrocities he’s seen? The pain he has had to inflict? The loss of a fellow brother? It’s simple…I can’t. But other veterans of foreign wars can. Our young soldiers and Marines need a group of men and women that will be here for them when they come home; a band of brothers that will help them through the gut wrenching memories and help them move forward.
Over 15 VFW members from Post 2600 in San Andreas turned out to show their support for the formation of a VFW in Copperopolis. Not only did they show their support by their mere presence, they donated monies to a start up fund for the VFW and for a woman’s auxiliary post. Don Cuneo, Commander VFW Post 2600, had a plethora of information and nothing but words of encouragement.
After an initial shaky voiced, nervous speech by myself, (I now recall why I didn’t get high marks in Speech in college) membership applications were handed out and stories were flying. A delicious buffet was served by Vietnam Veteran Larry Philips and the camaraderie began. Each veteran in attendance stood, introduced themselves and told of the war they had served in. It was as if I was taking a walk through history. From Pearl Harbor, to Korea, to Vietnam, to the first Persian Gulf War. These men are true American heros. It was an honor to be in their presence.
Wandering about talking to the veterans, I spoke with the wife of a Vietnam veteran only to find out that all three of her sons have been enlisted in the military. Two have served their country and are home, one is still active. The youngest, when he enlisted, knowing his mom was hurting knowing all her boys were in the military said, “Mom, I know you don’t want me to go, but there’s a lot of guys out there that need to come home.” She reiterated this story to me with tears in her eyes; tears of pride.
As the meeting wound down the membership application count came in at 18 members for the new VFW; 17 more and we will have a Post. If you are interested in becoming a member please contact Charity Maness at maness@caltel.com, VFW in the subject line. The VFW is more than just another club. It is a brotherhood 2.2 million strong that encompasses all ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds. The VFW has over 8100 posts worldwide fighting for your rights, passing legislation ensuring your rights as a veteran, and helping you to navigate the VA benefit maze to get you the proper care you deserve.
As the grand-daughter, step daughter, and niece of military veterans, and proud mother of a Marine I want to thank all veterans from the bottom of my heart for your service. Your selfless acts and those of your brothers in arms that fought and fell beside you have given me and my family a gift of freedom that we do not take lightly.
Thank you all so very much.
Charity Maness